Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The World of Odysseus Essay - 2126 Words

The World of Odysseus was written by Sir Moses I. Finley, and it is an in depth analysis of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The period in history that helped to produce these two phenomenal works is veiled with uncertainty due to the fact that an actual written history doesnt exist. Homer put his history of the period together from the traditional custom of oral poetic story telling that originated from the late Dark Age and early Archaic Period. The first three chapters of Finleys text provide the reader with an understanding of the Greek world so the information presented in the fourth and fifth chapters is easier to understand. The first chapter introduces the world of the Greeks, their exposure to writing, the importance of Homer,†¦show more content†¦Finley ends his first chapter by noting that he believes that Greek history commenced with the world of Odysseus and like all history had an extensive story behind it. In the second chapter Finley explains why he believes the world of Odysseus was not the Mycenaean Age or the world in which Homer lived, but the intervening period-- the Dark Age. Finley also describes the adjustments the Iliad and Odyssey received from the archaic period of ancient Greece on. Finleys second chapter deals with Greek heroes and the bards that told of them throughout Greeces age of heroes. Bards were illiterate, so for them to pass on traditional stories about Greek heroic figures, they had to commit entire poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey to memory. This chapter begins with discussion of the story of the different ages of man was developed and how it began with four phases, but later, when Hesiod worked with the tale, it gained another phase. The Greeks applied metal names to the different ages in order to create a written history. The time of heroes is discussed in more detail in this chapter. Homer was given credit for having been an expert on the subject . 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