Saturday, April 18, 2020

Letter to roommate please tell me what you think... free essay sample

Dear Roommate, Im Anna, 18 years old. I am from a small but wonderful country-Armenia. Me and my family live in the capital city-Yerevan†¦You probably haven’t even heard of my country because it is so far from you and that is what makes this so amazing, because here I am writing to you from â€Å"my world†-a whole different world†¦ Well, It is a little difficult to tell about me (I don’t even know what to start with), but I am fairly sure that it is better to learn about each other’s views, preferences, lifestyles beforehand, so that we’ll be able to avoid any kinds of misunderstandings in the future. I would truly want us to be friends. And let me start- here is my life†¦ I want to tell you a bit about my country and city I was born in. Armenian is often called â€Å"a museum in the open air†. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter to roommate please tell me what you think or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yerevan is an ancient (2791 years old ,)amazing city-full of different places of interests, monuments, parks, theatres, churches, museums, restaurants, etc. It is also the biggest center of urbanization in the country. My family isn’t large: there are my grandmother, my cousin, me and my pets (turtle and a dog). My grandmother, is a doctor and works at a hospital. She is the head of our family, because she has the roles of my Mother, Father and hers as well. I love her and really appreciate everything that she does for me. My cousin is a year older than me and she is a future actress. She is a third-year student of a Theatrical University and I think she will succeed in her profession and one day we all will be very proud of her- she has got a talent and love for her work. I love animals, I love to take care of them. They are lots of fun to watch and play with. Plus, they make pretty good â€Å"friends† for us, so we have two happy creatures in our family. Now talking about me†¦ I am a second year student in European University, department of International Relations. I like my faculty because it is very interesting, it gives the opportunity to open up as a personality, as an individual with my own ideas, views and understandings of modern life, international relations, politics, cultures. Im a Christian, but I also have some interest and great respect for other religions and their views on life and beliefs. I think world is too big and too different to be bent to one explanation or one theory. I consider myself an open-minded, friendly and tolerant person. I tend to think that everything is possible, I see no limitations in opportunities and chances. So, if there is a goal and a strong will, everything is possible. That is my slogan. . I appreciate honesty, value friendship, and everything which is in harmony with lave and justice. My Likes I like lots of different things. Listening to music, playing piano, theatres, writing, walking out with my dog, spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy cooking and reading (especially classics). I also enjoy volunteering. Every year my friends and I visit local shelter-care facilities, or hospitals. My hobbies are jogging, writing and dances. My favorite food is risotto, pasta or ham and cheese pizza. My Dislikes I guess, I don’t have many dislikes, but I do dislike lies, ignorance, violation, cheating. I think those mentioned spoil our world, confuse and hurt people. Considering everyday life, my dislikes are kind of changeable†¦ They depend on my mood, weather, people, the specific day and so on, though this doesn’t mean that I am a difficult person to get along with on certain days. Regardless of my mood I value relationships and respect other people’s opinion. My Best Accomplishment One of my accomplishments that I am most proud of is being one of the winners of FLEX (Future Leader Exchange Program) program. To participate in this program and to have the real opportunity to live and study in U.S was my very best dream. It was my main goal for that time. When I found out that I am one of the finalists, the world was mine. I was the most happy and proud person on the Earth. After that I live by the slogan â€Å"Everything is possible-no limitations in opportunities and chances†. The Activities I would like to participate in while in the US. One of the activities I am hoping to do is to make a project , kind of a presentation with other international students. The purpose of project would be to inform, to share with and to show the students and the staff on the campus the differences between our countries, how truly amazing and fascinating they are. And how we complete each other. To show them their own culture from the vantage point of someone else’s culture. To share with traditions and rituals and world-views of another countries. By being exposed to so many diverse traditions they will understand the significance of keeping their own traditions alive. I would also like to be a member of campus clubs and organizations. That way I would be well informed all about campus and would gain more experience about team-works and skills on good leadership. My dear roommate, This is all I can think of how to introduce mysel f and it was a great pleasure. I would like to conclude my writing by the following, said by Frederick Douglas, the renowned abolitionist of the 19-th century: â€Å"Men who travel should leave their prejudice at home † and with that in mind I would love to meet you soon. Best Wishes, Anna

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